
今天看到裘莉的新聞與照片, 關於裘莉為雙胞胎哺乳的照片出現在《W》雜誌封面.
描述裘莉在照片中幸福滿足的表情, 是過去任何攝影師都不曾捕捉到的, 因為這次掌鏡的攝影師不是別人, 正是小布.
文字記者真的很厲害, 短短一小篇新聞, 其實是蒐集了許多國外裘莉的新聞與文章集結重點而成.....而且翻譯的好棒哦!!
以下是我看了覺得很棒的部份, 並很無聊的把原文找出來......網路真是無遠弗界呀!!
"I'm with a man who's evolved enough to look at my body and see it as more beautiful, because of the journey it has taken and what it has created. He genuinely sees it that way. So I genuinely feel even sexier," says Jolie.

So I suppose in my heart I realized he was happy with them as his children, completely. I knew he would never see them as different, and that gave me a certain peace." After that revelation, "I suppose I just looked at him and loved him and just felt open to (getting pregnant). I suddenly wanted to. It's one of those things you can't explain," she says.

"I don't want to spend my life pretending to be somebody else, and I don't want the person next to me to have to pretend ever, because we have a long life ahead of us. So you just want to be able to be who you are in every moment, and that's the only way you'll ever be truly happy," says Jolie.


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